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Objective of Language

1.) What is linguistics?

  • The scientific study of language and its structure.

2.) Who is considered the founder of modern linguistics?

-> Noam Chomsky.

3. What is phonetics?

  • The study of the physical sounds of human speech.

4.) What does syntax focus on in linguistics?

  • The structure and arrangement of words in sentences.

5.) What is morphology?

  • The study of the structure and formation of words.

6.) What is semantics?

  • The study of meaning in language.

7.) Define phonology.

  • The study of the sound patterns in language.

8.) What is psycholinguistics?

  • The study of the psychological factors involved in language.

9.) Who proposed the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

  • Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf.
  1. Define pragmatics in linguistics.
    • The study of how context influences the interpretation of language.
  2. What is a morpheme?
    • The smallest unit of meaning in a language.
  3. Who developed the theory of Universal Grammar?
    • Noam Chomsky.
  4. What is sociolinguistics?
    • The study of the relationship between language and society.
  5. Define dialect.
    • A regional or social variety of a language with distinct features.
  6. Who introduced the concept of the linguistic sign?
    • Ferdinand de Saussure.
  7. What is a polyglot?
    • Someone who speaks multiple languages.
  8. Define code-switching.
    • Alternating between two or more languages or language varieties in conversation.
  9. What is a homophone?
    • Words that sound the same but have different meanings.
  10. Who developed the theory of communicative competence?
    • Dell Hymes.
  11. Define corpus linguistics.
    • The study of language based on large collections of authentic texts.
  12. What is a cognate?
    • Words in different languages that have a common origin.
  13. Who proposed the Harkness table method for language learning?
    • Charles W. Eliot.
  14. Define syntax.
    • The arrangement of words to create well-formed sentences.
  15. What is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)?
    • A standardized system for representing sounds in written form.
  16. Who introduced the concept of the linguistic relativity hypothesis?
    • Benjamin Lee Whorf.
  17. Define etymology.
    • The study of the origin and history of words.
  18. What is the difference between diachronic and synchronic linguistics?
    • Diachronic studies language change over time; synchronic studies it at a specific point in time.
  19. Who developed the concept of speech acts?
    • J.L. Austin and John Searle.
  20. Define discourse analysis.
    • The study of language in use, especially in social contexts.
  21. What is a glottal stop?
    • A speech sound produced by briefly closing the vocal cords.
  22. Who proposed the concept of the “speech community”?
    • William Stewart.
  23. Define isogloss.
    • A line on a dialect map marking the boundary between linguistic features.
  24. What is the difference between a prescriptive and a descriptive approach to language?
    • Prescriptive dictates how language should be used; descriptive observes and analyzes how it is used.
  25. Who developed the concept of the linguistic signifier and signified?
    • Ferdinand de Saussure.
  26. Define anaphora in linguistics.
    • The use of a word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence.
  27. What is a linguistic atlas?
    • A map or collection of maps showing the distribution of linguistic features.
  28. Who proposed the stages of language acquisition in children?
    • Jean Piaget.
  29. Define pidgin.
    • A simplified form of language used for communication between groups with different languages.
  30. What is the difference between a phoneme and an allophone?
    • A phoneme is a distinct sound in a language; an allophone is a variant of that sound.
  31. Who developed the concept of the “critical period” for language acquisition?
    • Eric Lenneberg.
  32. Define onomatopoeia.
    • Words that imitate the sound they describe.
  33. What is metonymy in linguistics?
    • A figure of speech in which one word is substituted with another closely related word.
  34. Who introduced the concept of the “linguistic variable”?
    • William Labov.
  35. Define hyperbole in linguistics.
    • Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
  36. What is a lingua franca?
    • A common language used for communication between speakers of different native languages.
  37. Who proposed the concept of “face” in politeness theory?
    • Erving Goffman.
  38. Define agrammatism.
    • Difficulty in using grammatical structures, often observed in aphasic individuals.
  39. What is the International Mother Language Day?
    • A worldwide observance promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.
  40. Who developed the concept of “phatic communication”?
    • Bronisław Malinowski.
  41. Define neologism in linguistics.
    • A newly coined word or expression.

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