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Short Summary of The Guide by R K Narayan

This is a novel written by R K Narayan in 1958. This is his most popular novel among readers across the country. This is plot summary of The Guide. The protagonist, Raju, who is nicknamed “Railway Raju”, is characterised as being a corrupt man and popular tour guide. In the story, he falls in love with

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Objective of Language

1.) What is linguistics? 2.) Who is considered the founder of modern linguistics? -> Noam Chomsky. 3. What is phonetics? 4.) What does syntax focus on in linguistics? 5.) What is morphology? 6.) What is semantics? 7.) Define phonology. 8.) What is psycholinguistics? 9.) Who proposed the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

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The Restoration Period (1660-1700)

After the Restoration in 1660, when Charles II came to the throne, there was a complete repudiation of the Puritan ideals and way of living. In English literature the period from 1660 to 1700 is called the period of Restoration, because monarchy was restored in England, and Charles II, the son of Charles I who

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The Vertical Ladder (UG-2)

The story” The Vertical Ladder” is a compassionate and virtuous creation of William Sansom. This story shows the courage of a young man whose name is Flegg,who wants to impress a beautiful girl among the group of boys. He attempts to climb a vertical ladder on an old gasometre a storage tower in a deserted

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She Was A Phantom of Delight

This poem has been composed by William Wordsworth in 1804. He was one of the best poets of Romantic Age. He wants to describe his own feeling for his lovely wife. This poem is a beautiful tribute to the poet’s wife(Mary Hutchinson). “She was a phantom of delight, When first she gleamed upon my sight;A

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Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe by John Donne

This poem has been written by John Donne when he was going to leave Germany. He addressed his beloved wife who was very sad. He wants to make understand his wife that he is not going away because he is sick of hers or he is leaving her because he has found a more beautiful

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